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One evening I went out to have tea, As soon as I entered the shop, I saw the shopkeeper saying that the end of free's day has come now. You are such and such people, now we have to eat nineteen, then a person from the other side said why eat nineteen take one more. 

He smiled and said that you are keeping that in your possession. Where is the money to buy? 

One person said"Hey, I don't understand. 

I have seen Young people dying of poison in recent times. No one gave money to many father’sno one was rejected in love and so on. While telling this, a person came forward. Slowly it came to me and slowly the gossip started. 

In the middle of the gossip, he said that he would join in another institution in addition & hopefully next year he will get more salaries. He was a senior citizen of our generation & at this age he has some hope. I saw the joyful face reaction of his face & it brings some inspiration to me to live without depression. 

Meanwhile, a driver was returning home after working all day with a buffalo plow. Both the buffalo and the driver looked very tired. Now you can't see so many cows or buffaloesThe day before, you could see lot when you left home. At that time a person said, where do the buffaloes go? 

To each answer I saidWhat more can I say about the price and demand for meat in the marketI told the butcher's uncle that what is the meat? With angry attitude butcher uncle said this is tiger's meatSorry! Buffalo's meat. The attitude was bit like a tiger

Seeing this buffalo today, I understand where the buffaloes are getting lost. In the face of so-called diabetic allergy customers, onion-eating customers like us today, when they go to the market to buy Bitter melon to reduce their acidity production, the shopkeepers will not be ashamed if they can buyuncleAnd wash your eyes before you look or the bitterness of Bitter melon will be lost. Later, when I took a step forward, I got a pain in my leg as there was a hole in the front. Later I saw that I was lying in bed. My legs are stuck in the table.😆

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